So you Steelhead or Walleye fish and have a bunch of trolling spoons and no great way to store them…...
Welcome to, if you have made it here then surely you’re looking for something about fishing- Our Passion.
Our main focus is to alleviate the steep learning curve that comes with fishing, as many of you know, there is a big difference between hooking a worm onto a bobber rig and chucking it out there “fishing” for whatever lurks beneath and actively targeting a specific species. There are many great resources out there with great knowledge and insight, we’re not here to recreate the wheel, we’re here to get you on fish right here in the #CLE each and every time you hit the water.
Cleveland, Ohio is home to one of the Great Lakes; Lake Erie, one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world and home to WORLD REKNOWNED fishing! Do not underestimate this statement, as our backyard is one of the best places in the country for walleye, perch and steelhead fishing. Help us to keep our waters clean of liter, help us to preserve this great body of water and keep it a healthy biosphere. What you flush down the toilet, toss out the window or dump behind the garage all makes it’s way into our water table- into our lake and drinking water. Think green, clean up, and grow not destroy our planet.
Tis the season for Fall Steelhead here in Cleveland, Ohio. Some fish will be trickling into the rivers, but the...
When you aren’t catching steelhead, many times you’re just a split shot or two short of getting down deep enough.
Figuring out walleye gets easier when you can use two baits per fishing pole, rather than one.
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About Me
Dreamer & Fisherman
Sun is setting fast and I keep mumbling, "one more cast, this is the one"! Favorite fortune cookie quote and life motto, "There are two ways too shine... You can be the candle or the mirror that reflects it".
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